Fatty acids, monoglycerides, and diglycerides are insoluble in water. So they cannot be absorbed directly from the lumen of the intestine. With the help of bile salts and phospholipids, the end product of fat digestion are converted into small spherical water soluble droplets called micelles.

Micelle is an aggregate of many molecules,  from these micelles fatty acids, glycerides, sterols etc. are absorbed into the intestinal cells.

Chylomicrons, the largest of the lpoproteins, are synthesised in the intestine and transport dietary triacylglycerols to skeletal muscle and adipose tissue and dietary cholesterol to the liver.

Chylomicron structure- ApoA, ApoB, ApoC, ApoE (apolipoproteins); T(triacylglycerol); C (cholesterol); green (phospholipids)
Chylomicrons consist of triglycerides (85-92%), phospholipids (6-12%), cholesterol (1-3%) and proteins (1-2%).

Difference between Micelles and Chylomicrons


1. The products of fat digestion are incorporated into small, spherical, water soluble molecules called micelles with the help of bile salts and phospholipids.

2. This is the form in which digested fats are absorbed into the intestinal cells.


1. The products of fat digestion are used for synthesizing new fats which are released by the intestinal cells into the lymph, in the form of droplets called chylomicrons.

2.This is the form in which the synthesized fats are liberated from the intestinal cells.
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