To trace the genealogy of modern man from ancestral monkeys onwards, fossils of ancestral apes have been thoroughly studied.
1. Leads terrestrial life
2. Walks fully erect after infancy on the soles of the feet.
3. Hind limbs are more powerful, stout and developed than the forelimbs
4. Only pollex is opposable; hallux not opposable, hence do not help in grasping things.
5. Vertebral column has two forward and the two backward curves; lumbar curve facilitates erect posture.
6.Head erect and balanced on the neck
7. Foramen magnum in their skull is directed downward.
8. Cranium rounded with a cranial capacity of about 1450cm3
9. Neck muscles are attached below the brain box allowing more free movement of head on the neck.
10. Sole of the foot lies flat on the ground whlie walking.
11. Face somewhat flat and brow ridges inconspicuous.
12. Jaw small with a prominent chin
13. Anterior premolar in lower jaw is small and bicuspid.
14. There is no diastema between incisors and canines.
15. Canines are not projecting
16. Body covered with short and sparse hair.
1. Leads chiefly arboreal life.
2. Walks semi erect on outer edges of feet and knucles of hands.
3. Fore limbs are longer than the hind limbs.
4. Both, pollex and hallux are opposable, hence used for grasping things.
5. Vertebral column is arched backwards;lumbar curve absent.
6. Head balanced on heavy shoulders and is buried.
7. Foramen magnum in their skull is directed backward.
8. Cranium flattened with a cranial capacity under 650cm3
9. Neck muscles are attached to the back of the brain box permitting very little movement of head on the neck.
10. Sole of the foot does not lie flat on the ground while walking; only the outer sides of their hind limbs and fore limbs touch the ground.
11. Face protruding and brow ridges prominent.
12. Jaw strong without well marked chin.
13. Anterior premolar in lower jaw is strong and pointed.
14. There is a small diastema between incisors and canines.
15. Canines are projecting.
16. Body covered with long and coarse hair.