Photosynthesis is simply defined as, formation of
carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water by illuminated green cells of
plants, oxygen and water being the by products". in other words, capture of photons of light by green plant cells and conversion of their radiant energy into chemical form of energy is called photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis In Higher Plants
1. Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b pigments are involved largely and they are enclosed in the grana of the chloroplast.
2. Both PS I and PSII are involved.
3. Blue and red lights are used for photosynthesis.
4. H2O is used as the electron donor. During photolysis of water in light reaction, oxygen is liberated.
5. Here photosynthesis is endothermic (energy consuming)

Photosynthesis In Bacteria
Bacteriochlorophyll is involved and they are enclosed in the thylakoids in
Only PS I is involved.
Infrared light is used for photosynthesis.
Since H2O is not used as electron donar, no oxygen is produced.
Here photosynthesis is somewhat
exothermic (energy liberating).
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