Price Floor For certain goods and services, fall in price below a particular level is not desirable and hence the government sets floors or minimum prices for these goods and services. The government imposed lower limit on the price that may be charged for a particular good or service is called price floor. Most well-known examples of imposition of price floor are agricultural price support programmes and the minimum wage legislation.
Price ceiling It is not very uncommon to come across instances where government fixes a maximum allowable price for certain goods. The government-imposed upper limit on the price of a good or service is called the price ceiling. Price ceiling is generally imposed on necessary items like wheat, rice, kerosene, sugar and it is fixed below the market-determined price since at the market-determined price some section of the population will not be able to afford these goods. Let us examine the effects of price ceiling on market equilibrium through the example of the sections market for wheat.
Price ceiling accompanied by rationing of the goods may have the following adverse consequences on the consumers:
1. Each consumer has to stand in long queues to buy the good from ration shops.
2. Since all consumers will not be satisfied by the quantity of the goods that they get from the fair price shop, some of them will be willing to pay higher price for it. This may result in the creation of black market.
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