Western Ghats 

1. Their height is 900 to 1100 mtrs. 

2. The highest peak of this region is from Anaimudi with a height of 2659 km

3. They have steep slope as height increases from North to South

4. They are continuous and can be crossed through passes only.

5. They lie parallel to western coast and are source for some rivers.

6. Western ghats have tropical evergreen forests. They are evergreen to deciduous forests.

Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats

Eastern Ghats

1. The eastern ghats  are lower in height than the western ghats . It ranges from 600 to 900 mtrs. 

2. Mahendragiri is the highest peak in Eastern Ghats.

3. They have a gentle slope

4. They  are irregular and discontinous and dissected by the rivers.

5. They stretch from Mahanadi valley to Niligiris in South. The river flow through easily

6. Eastern ghats scrub vegetation due to overgrazing and deforestation. 

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